Flat Rate and Retail VAT Scheme
The flat rate VAT scheme allows a reduced percentage to be applied to sales to determine tax due. Retail VAT schemes permit less detailed invoices to be issued to customers.
Forbidden Colours Limited
The UK company Forbidden Colours Limited was incorporated on 3 May 2016 and bears the registration number 10159412.
Foreign Characters in a Company Name
Foreign letters may cause a company name to be misspelt when using electronic company formation. Using non English language characters and letters in online incorporations.
Form 287
Form 287 is used to change the official registered office address of a UK company. The new location must be within the same country as when the formation took place.
Form 288a
Form 288a is used for the appointment of a company director or secretary. There are both electronic 288a forms which are submitted online and PDF types which can be printed.
Form 288b
Form 288b is issued by Companies House for the resignation of a director or secretary of a UK company. The document showing the resigning officer is available to the public.
Form 288c
Form 288c can be used by existing company directors and secretaries to change the details held on them in the Companies House official register.
Form AA01
The new Form AA01, change of accounting reference date supersedes the previous Companies House Form 225 document from 1 October 2009.
Form AA01
Form AD01
Companies House Form AD01 facilitates the change of a UK company registered office and replaces the Form 287 document which was used prior to 1st October 2009.
Form AP01
Form AP01 - Form AP02
Forms AP01 and AP02 are used in the appointment of a natural person or corporate company director. Each of these Companies House documents replaces Form 288a.
Form AP02
Form CH01 - CH02 - CH03 - CH04
The Forms CH01, CH02, CH03 and CH04 replaced the 288c documents for changing company director and secretary details. The Forms cater individually for situations where the appointee is a corporate or a person and can be downloaded free of charge.
Form CT41G
Form CT41G is provided by HM Revenue and Customs for all new company registrations and requires details of the directors and the proposed activities of the business.
Form IN01
The Form IN01 replaces the Form 10 and 12 documents and is used in a manual company formation application. This article provides information and guidance on the sections of the IN01 Form and on registering a company using this document.
Form LLAD01
Changing the registered office address of a limited liability partnership requires Form LLAD01 which can be completed and despatched to the relevant office of Companies House.
Form LLAP01
The new Form LLAP01, the appointment of a new member to a limited liability partnership is similar to the UK company form AP01. Details of the new partner are entered and the completed documents sent to Companies House.
Form TM01
When resigning a company director the Form TM01 is used to inform Companies House of the removal. Form TM01 replaces Form 288b which was used up until October 2009.
Form TM02
When resigning a company secretary Form TM02 must be used whether the removal relates to an individual or a corporate body. Form TM02 can be downloaded form Complete Formations for completion and then submission to Companies House.
Formation Agents vs. Companies House
An evaluation of the differences between registering a company through a formation agent and using Companies House directly. The electronic incorporation method is generally preferred to completing Forms 10 and 12 and having a solicitor sign the documents before they are posted.
Forming a Company - Is It Easy or Difficult?
This article explores the question of whether forming a company is an easy or difficult task to complete. It notes several factors which could affect the success or otherwise of the company registration process.
Free Business Banking
Free business banking for new companies is part of our range of services. You are able to take advantage of our strong relationships with some of the leading UK banks who provide services specifically aimed at the business start-up market.
Fully Paid-up Shares
Fully paid up shares exist when the monies due to an issuing company has been paid in full. Most arms length share purchases are usually fully paid at the time of their issue.
Funky Feathers Ltd
Set-up in August 2012 by Complete Formations, Funky Feathers Ltd is an off the shelf company with incorporation number 08185865.
Getting Started
The 5 step incorporation process from Complete Formations provides a simple and easy to use means of registering a UK company. The free company name search is the first step.
Gift Shop Limited
Gift Shop Limited was registered in September 2009 and forms one of the Complete Formations list of off-the-shelf companies available for purchase.
Gold Cup Ltd
Gold Cup Ltd is a ready made company which was incorporated on 6 May 2014 with a share capital of 1 GBP.
Grants for Start-up Businesses
The array of grants for start-up business makes them an attractive source of finance. Some disadvantages are the costs of applying for them and the risk of not being awarding one.
Group (of Persons) Template
Using the word Group (of persons) in a company name requires additional supporting information in order to use it.
Group 09 09 09 Limited
Group 09 09 09 Limited is approximately named given that it was incorporated on 9th September 2009. It bears the reserve word holding and is available by purchase form Complete Formations.
Holdings Sensitive Word Template
Holdings is a sensitive word and requires evidence or supporting information to be presented to Companies House justifying the use of the word.
Home Address
How Do I Use the Online Form 288c?
The online Form 288c exists as a convenient and simple means of making alterations to appointments. Confirmation emails are sent both at the request and approval stages.
How It Works
This document describes the simple process of making appointments and owing a ready made company following a purchase from Complete Formations.
How to Form a Company
Videos and Guides on how to form a UK limited company. These free resources can be viewed online or downloaded in PowerPoint or PDF format. Everything that is needed successfully register a UK limited company.
HSBC Business Banking - FREE
Complete Formations provide a free HSBC business banking introductory service to companies which are formed through our system. HSBC business bank accounts for a new company are granted subject to status.
HSBC Business Direct - Transaction Limits
HSBC Business Direct bank accounts may be ideal for newly formed businesses and companies. The transaction limits which apply to these accounts are detailed here.
HTML Site Map 3
Company Faqs HTML Site Maps enable the efficient navigation to information of interest for our visitors. In conjunction with the menus and site searches all articles are readily accessible.
I Became the Tea Lady
This article describes how giving up a high level position with a large corporation to set up a company did not provide total immediate satisfaction. It looks at the lessons learnt and some of the changes which a person can undergo when they start to work for themselves.
IN01 Application to Register a Company
Incorporation Template
The easy to use incorporation template enables customers to provide us with information relevant to their company so that we have the details necessary to register it on their behalf.
Indemnity Bonds - Purchase of Companies
Purchasing a trading company usually involves a deed of indemnity. The indemnity bond can protect the buyers against undisclosed liabilities which may appear later on.
Informal Sources of Finance for a New Company
When raising finance for a new company, the owners might consider informal sources such as family and friends. Credit from suppliers might also nullify some of the funding requirement.
Interest on Company Corporation Tax
A company would be charged interest on any late payment of corporation tax and receive it if there is an overpayment. The interest would form part of the current year's charge.
Issued Shares
Issued shares are the number of the authorised amount which has actually been distributed. Issued share capital represents the nominal value of those in circulation.
Issuing New Shares in a UK Limited Company
A company may to allot additional shares using Form 88(2). Issuing new company shares might occur because of new investors, an employee scheme or to buy another business.
Issuing Shares on Incorporation
Every UK limited company is required to issue at least one share on incorporation. When issuing shares, it is limited to an amount less than or equal to its authorised amount.
IT Zone Limited
IT Zone Limited is a ready made company which would suit a business in the information technology industry. Registered in January 2015, it bears the incorporation number 09395054.
Limited Liability
Limited liability is thought by some to provide a shield between a UK company and its ownership. This article explores to what extent personal exposure is restricted.