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Company Formation is now even easier!
1. Company Directors can protect their home address details.
2. You are no longer required to have a Company Secretary.
Feedback :
My company took only one hour and twenty three minutes to setup. I must tell you how impressed I was with the ease and guidance involved in completing the online registration forms. Thank you. David, Bristol.      

Company Formation Notice Board


Have Something to Say? Tell it to Notice Board

Welcome. This is the area of Complete Formations for discussion, views and articles on any subject related to business incorporation.

We hope to create a blend of informative topics and current news with a little humour thrown in for good measure. Some pieces will be written by ourselves but we are also hoping that our visitors will have lots to say about their experiences of registering a company and setting up their new businesses.

  1. Forming a company – is it easy or difficult? - A realistic appraisal of a typical company formation process and of some of the factors which can lead to success or failure. 01/11/2013.
  2. New Years Resolutions - Everybody makes them, but few keep to them. This article examines how the initial motivation to work for yourself can dwindle as the year progresses.14/11/2013.
  3. I setup a company and became the tea lady - A semi-humorous look at how a high flying executive was forced to take on roles which they previously considered were beneath them. 12/12/2013.
  4. Things you might need - Computers - An article which considers the computerisation aspects for starting a company and looks at some of the factors which should be borne in mind. 07/01/2014.
  5. Things you might need - Stationery - Focusing on the decisions to be made as to the stationery required of a new company and the options available between obtaining bulk discounts or adopting a steady as we go approach. 18/01/2014.
  6. Why register a company in an emerging country? - The emerging countries in the world hold out great promise of commercial vibrancy and opportunity for the early adopters. 04/02/2014.
  7. A modern Companies Act for today’s business - Looks at the way the new act will modernise the formation and internal running of a UK private company. 10/02/2014.
  8. Using PO Boxes when forming a company - Discusses a case which highlighted the situations where a PO Box could be used as an address for both the directors and secretary and the company’s registered office. 21/02/2014
  9. Money laundering regulations – December 2007 saw the introduction of provisions for company formation customers using registered office or nominee services. 24/02/2011
  10. Will Companies House offer electronic company formations? – This article examines whether the recent system upgrades at Companies House signals the beginning of offering online company formations to the general public. 24/02/2014
  11. Company secretaries after 6 April 2008 analyses the potential effects of the Companies Act amendments to the requirement to have a secretary when incorporating a UK private limited company. This is viewed from the perspective of both new and existing entities. 24/06/2014
  12. Northern Ireland company formation and the Companies Act 2006 - This article relates to an enquiry received at our offices regarding the seemingly forgotten impact of the Companies Act 2006 changes on Northern Ireland company formations. 14/06/2014
  13. Company identity fraud and UK formations - This article examines company identity fraud and some of the events which can occur when adequate controls are absent. In addition, there is commentary on the measure with Companies House have introduced to help incorporated businesses. 27/03/2014.
  14. How to form a company - A simple and easy to understand rendition of the information, personnel and other requirements for forming a limited company in the UK with references to other useful material and articles. 02/04/2014
  15. Buying a New Company Anonymously - discusses the Companies Act 2006 changes effective from October 2008 curtailing the use of sole corporate directors. When buying a company under the new regulations at least one named individual will be required in addition to any companies which are also appointed. 19/05/2014
  16. Companies Act 2006 - Changes October 2009 – Highlights some of the far reaching changes being introduced and discusses the significant effects they will have on Northern Ireland formations and privacy measures being brought in to protect company directors. 06/06/2012
  17. Proving Share Ownership - Discuses an unforeseen consequence of the Companies Act 2006 on the ability of company shareholders to provide evidence on the holdings they have within the entity. The article also considers some of the alternative means which can be utilised to satisfy UK banks requirements when opening a business account. 07/07/2014

Guidelines for Entries

A few guidelines to help those contributions stay within the realms of the area will make both your writing experience and our publishing tasks a lot easier.

Spamming of any nature is not permitted as we are seeking informative stories which other readers could realistic gain from or obtain some measure of entertainment from. Submission and publication are not automated processes and therefore sending spam disguised as readable material will never make it to our pages.

Regurgitation of technical facts is not required nor encouraged. We would much more prefer a personal account of an experience which describes what actually happened during a company formation as opposed to what should have occurred.

Linking within an article is perfectly permissible should you wish to make specific references to third party sites or perhaps your own. Please keeping linking to one per paragraph and ensure that the source is decent and suitable for our viewers.

Complete Formations is hoping that Notice Board will be something new and different and we would encourage imaginative writing and creativity of subject matter. Whilst bearing this in mind, we would also state that there are certainly no qualifications, literary prizes or awards that contributors have to have earned in order to submit an article for publication.

To make a contribution to Notice Board please use the contact us page where you can either write the full text of your article or enclose it as an email attachment.

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