The Form LLAP01 is used to appoint a new member to an existing limited liability partnership much in the same was as the Form AP01 and AP02 are utilised for adding directors to UK companies.
The structure of Form LLAP01 is much the same as its limited company counterpart requiring appointees to detail firstly the LLP number and full registered name and then enter the new partner’s personal details.
This includes their current and any previous names, country of residence and date of birth. They are also required to stipulate whether their appointment will be that of a designated member to the limited liability partnership.
Both the service address and residential location details must be entered and whilst these can be identical, only the first address will be published for public inspection.
Where the appointee can take advantage of a S243 exemption, the relevant box can be ticked and there is a reminder that the service address should not then be the actual residential address of the new partner.
Signatures are required from both the new appointee and an existing designated partner of the LLP.
The completed LLAP form should be posted to the relevant Companies House office depending to the particular jurisdiction the limited liability partnership was initially incorporated in.
Download Form LLAP01 here
Form LLAP01 requires a PDF reader such as the one downloadbale free from Adobe.