Our New Company Formation System is now even better than before.
We have designed and introduced a new formation system. One which is very straight-forward, logical and above all reliable. We at Complete Formations have talked directly with both new and long-standing customers and have implemented the feedback to design a facility we hope you will like.
Adding Companies House Authentication Codes to the new Company Admin Area, making them readily available day and night is just one feature that has been sought after and now introduced. We believe it will be universally welcomed.
A main feature of the improved system is the streamlining of the entire company registration process. From choosing the company name, appointing directors and shareholders and simultaneously allocating shares to them. It all flows in logical steps with easy to understand guidance and narrative provided at all stages.
Of course, we are available via direct dial telephone and email to answer any queries you may have.
We think you will find our new system a seamless part of creating a new business for yourself or for your clients.
When you have a moment please create an account in our new Admin Area at https://companyregistrations.completeformations.co.uk/register/ where you can import existing companies and of course register new entities.
Now in our fourteenth year of operation, we would like to thank all of our customers and look forward to providing you with high levels of service in the future.
Our very best regards,
The Complete Formations Team